Indicative Areas of Research And Analysis
- Reforms and restructuring
Requirements of Electricity act 2003, unbundling of State Utilities, organization restructuring issues, financial implications of restructuring, manpower issues.
- Regulatory framework and issues
Smooth functioning of regulatory Commissions, organization structure and procedures, tariff related studies, interest of various stake holders, involvement of consumer bodies, encouraging open access and competition
- Power project formulation & implementation Distribution Utilities
Power project feasibility studies, identification of locations bidding for projects, negotiations, land availability, clearances from various agencies, financing, application for loans, documentation, financial closure, detailed implementation planning, supervision, monitoring
- Distribution Utilities
Structuring, development of information systems, billing, computerization, efficiency improvement, reduction of AT&C Losses, how to take advantage of government schemes such as APDRP, tariff studies, manpower optimization, handling of matters relating to consumers
- Fuel supply for power generation Identification of sources, studies on availability of fuel, fuel prices, import procedures, negotiations, contracting
- Nuclear Prospects dim for new nuclear reactors Excerpted from New York Times - Oct. 13th 2010